Have you ever had a period of time in your life where you feel like you are not really hearing from God? Today and Wednesday we are going to look at two characters in the Christmas story. One is the town/people of Bethlehem and the other are the shepherds in the field. I am really excited to share what God is teaching me through Max Lucado's book God Came Near. This book is really helping me to open up my perspective to this story, look at characters in a new way, challenge my thinking and allow God to tell me this story in a new way.
"One's imagination is kindled thinking about the innkeeper and his family at the breakfast table. Did anyone mention the arrival of the young couple the night before? Did anyone ask about their welfare? Did anyone comment on the pregnancy of the girl on the donkey? Perhaps. Perhaps someone raised the subject. But, at best, it was raised, not discussed. There was nothing that novel about them. They were, possibly, one of several families turned away that night." (Chp 1 pg 21)
I agree with Max when he said, Augustus did this town a favor when he decided to do this census. This was a little town but if all these people had to return for this census then you know it's economy was suddenly boosted. Also, you need to remember that people traveled on foot and in groups or caravans. Some would ride camels, horses or donkey's but all in all you were travelling at the speed you could walk. This give me the impression that these people were not just arriving in town to check off a box in an office and leave the next day. Remember when Mary went to see Elizabeth she was there for 3 months. I don't think they needed to be there that long but I truly think they had intentions to be there for at least a couple weeks, especially knowing Mary was pregnant.
In Micah 5:1-2 the Bible give a prophecy that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem. "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times." As I looked I was reminded that Mary and Joseph did not know Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. Nothing in scripture from Matthew or Luke tells me they knew beforehand that this would be the place of his birth. People did not have access to scripture the way we do so we all know that the people of Bethlehem probably did not know the savior was predicted to arrive in their town. They were not looking for him. Mary and Joseph were just another couple/family in town for the census.
"It is doubtful that anyone mentioned the couple's arrival or wondered about the condition of the girl. They were too busy. The day was upon them. The day's bread had to be made. The morning's chores had to be done. There was too much to do to imagine that the impossible had occurred." (Chp 1 pg 22)
I love the picture Max has painted of a little town, busting at the seams with people in for a census. The Market had to be full to overflowing as people traveling were trying to sell their wears along with the people of the town. To me it is like the Mall in December, just so full of people so focused on their list of gifts and presents that they never really stop to look around them. This was Bethlehem, something amazing had happened and they missed it! Why...because they were not looking for it.
How often do we miss something God has to show or teach us because we are so caught up in the business of our lives. We claim that we have not really heard from God lately but we have let our devotion time become something we check off our todo list. Grab our devotional, read, pray, thank and move on. Oh yeah, I am guilty too! It is easy to really hear from the Lord at church or a conference because we are looking for it, we are tuned in to the Lord, preparing our hearts and minds for what he has for us. But do we do this at home? Do we really take time to listen? Do we prepare our hearts in the morning to be seeking what God has to show us at the grocery store? He may have someone you need to pray with but you miss it because like Bethlehem you are not looking for it.
As a Mom this is really hard because my girls are always keeping me on my toes. However, this study has made me want to begin teaching them to look and listen. My oldest Kathryn is the type who will say lets help that person, can we talk to them? She has such a sensitive heart and my prayer is that as she grows the Lord will strengthen and develop that heart. As her Mom I want to be more like her now. Christmas is a crazy busy time of year but it is also a great opportunity to look and listen. Don't be like the people of Bethlehem and this is just another event on the calendar. Pause and listen, I have a feeling that God has something amazing to show you if you will just look for it.
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