Monday, June 16, 2014


My past two weeks have been busy but I am excited to be back and can't wait to share with you over the next few posts all that the Lord has been teaching me. Last week I spent the week in South Carolina with my in-laws while my girls attended VBS down there.  It is not your normal VBS it is held in small river houses along the South Edisto River.  The kids get all the normal activities but they are all held outside and we throw in a picnic lunch and swimming in the river.  It is truly full of such great memories.  While I was there I would spend my evenings helping my friend Kemper with the youth.  The youth volunteer during the day and then have Bible study and activities each evening.  I was looking forward to the Bible study time but really had no clue for all the Lord had in store for me.

We opened the first night with a video from Kemper's church on change.  The Pastor Perry Noble spoke and it was apparent the Lord had a message for us.  Perry talked about how change is necessary for everyone but it is never easy.  In our lives many times change comes with labels whether we give them to ourselves, get them from other people or allow the world to label us.  Perry talked about how there are really only two types of people who can truly label items.

1. The Maker- the person who created the item, such as with companies who create new products they have the right to label those products.

2. The Buyer- the person who purchases something has the right to label it because it is now owned by them.  For example when a company is purchased many times they will have their name/logo changed to something new.

For many people today Twitter is incredibly popular.  When I think of Twitter I think of when any of the awards shows come on and if you get on Twitter you will see all these peoples opinions on the outfits, behavior, singing and awards on the shows.  Many times the posts are funny but to be honest many times the posts are mean and rude.  Our words whether said, typed or texted can be very powerful.

So, Perry Noble asked the question:  Who has the right to label or #hastag you?  The answer to the question is God.  God is our Maker, he made us in his own image and we are his treasure made for his glory.  The other person who can label us is our Buyer, Jesus is our buyer because through his death on the cross the Bible talks about how we were purchased with his blood.  That gives God and Jesus the right to label us, but how many times do we let other people and things label us.

Some labels might be:

So many times we #hastag or label ourselves or let others label us and we believe them.  Then we set up unrealistic expectations and when we fail we believe that we deserve the label #failure.  When we absorb all these incorrect labels and carry them with is it because harder and harder to let them go and they affect us later.  All these labels lock us in and lock God out. Anytime you run to anything or anyone other than Jesus, it will hurt and disappoint you every time. (Perry Noble)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

Perry talked about how the quickest way to lose sight on what God says about us is to focus on what other people say about us.  You see society and culture will always get it wrong.  They don't know you like our Creator does.  They don't love you like our Creator does.  

What if your labels were:

As this session ended I began to ask myself, am I equipping myself to know the truth of how God labels me?  Am I speaking that truth daily?  Am I shutting out the labels the world  gives me and replacing them with the truth out of scripture.  You see I agree with Perry when he said that as you take these incorrect labels to God, they won't be removed instantly but over time God will change your perception and the labels that have been so ingrained into your mind. 

What made this session so wonderful was to see the youth relate to the message and talk about all that they see, hear and post on Twitter.  I have a Twitter account but will admit I am rarely on it and am horrible at #hastags.  However, as I sat and listened I was encouraged to make sure I am equipping myself to counter the lies and false labels I give myself and the world gives me. How you may ask?  The first way is my scripture book.  I have a little book that is about the size of a small calculator and it fits into all of my purses.  I carry it with me and it is full of scripture and quotes.  It's entire purpose is to help me speak and know God's truth at anytime and be easily accessible.  Another way is to post scripture around your house and especially for women in your bathroom.  We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, we need to make sure we are reminded of that.  Lastly, I encourage you to surround yourself with people who speak the truth of God's word.  When you are struggling you want to have someone who will point you back to Jesus not wallow with you in the pit you feel you are in.  This is where a good church and godly friends become invaluable.

If you enjoyed this post I truly encourage you to listen to the entire message.  You can listen or download it here.

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